Photos taken by Karen Mezentef, on our excursion to the Melbourne Printing Museum in Footscray. We produced the title page for Volume One of the Signal Periodical with the letter press method at the museum, it took five hours to print nine words on a page two hundred times. See the book for the full story and to feel the imprint of the metal letters on the paper.
and if i could, is sue, from my lip s (tempt them not, my fickle facebuds) a word, a sound (so journed; rest ing on the bench es of my whites), i t would be (crystal line, resonant, life- changing, erra tic, hush ed, sus urr ate d, in explic able, violent,) soft (ever -changing- meaning, ever -staying- the-same) like you r fingers (which are more than fing ers) danc in g alon g the in c line o f m y j aw
(when you call me y our sweet, an d i forge t i am not honey); it wo uld no t be some thing un lik e lo ve
A series of workshops for 13-20 year olds in the realms of writing, image and print publication. This project is produced in conjuction with the City of Melbourne and Signal.
For more information about the project or to register your interest in further programs please email: There is also a facebook group which you can keep up to date with the project, find by searching "Signal Periodical"
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